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Extend your Swimming Pool Season with Fun in the Sun

There are three major types of swimming pool heaters: solar, electric heat pump and gas. While we believe the vast majority of pool owners are best served by a solar pool heater, your unique circumstances and needs may dictate a different choice.

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You can add more than 156 days of a comfortable swimming to your swim season.

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Find the Right Pool Heating Option for You

Solar pool heating is by far the most cost-effective way to heat your pool. The sun’s energy is clean, free and inexhaustible. And plentiful in Florida on a year-round basis. While solar does not have the ability to deliver any temperature on demand in any weather, you will never have to turn your solar pool heater off because you can no longer afford its operating cost.

Swimming pool heat pumps work just like central air conditioning heat pumps, only in reverse. Instead of removing heat from the inside of your home and expelling it to the outside air, a pool heat pump takes heat out of the outside air and transfers it into your pool water. Swimming pool heat pumps can extract useful heat energy in air temperatures as low as 45–50°F, so they are very effective in Florida’s mild climate.

Gas pool heaters, which burn either propane or natural gas, can maintain your pool at pretty much any temperature you desire. The advantage of gas is the ability to maintain any temperature in pretty much any weather. With today’s high and rising fuel costs, we recommend that a gas heater be installed only as a backup system to supplement a primary solar pool heater or pool heat pump when 85–90°F pool water temperatures are medically required.

Our team is ready to help answer any questions you may have. We even offer a free, no-obligation consultation.

State-Certified Contractor #CVC 56754 | #CPC 1459043 | #LP 25961
Copyright © 2021 Fun In The Sun Pool Heating Inc.